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My Story.. 

I'm Molly Clark, 23 of Launceston Tasmania. Im the Molly behind Molly's Creations I guess we could say. I am now into my 5th year of this little hobby since it all begun in May 2015 as a 16 year old. During a school project at my school, Launceston Christian School, I chose to sell more than bags of lollies and cans of coke. One little enterprise task lead me to developing a hobby into a business. One chopping board lead to another with the use of a facebook post and word of mouth. A month or so into this task I chose to move it out of school and take over my fathers work shop at our home in Riverside. 
Then trailer load after trailer load, I was starting to gather some pretty stunning Tasmanian timbers and used these to build a portfolio of timber Cheese Boards, Chopping boards and Coat Racks... Order upon order; Mollys Creation's was soon to be a fully registered business. This further lead me to man a stall at the 2016 Tasmanian Craft Fair, December Niche Market and school fair. 
Early 2017 I was stocking  various gallery's across the state and shipping domestically. Then I accepted I needed the help of Dad to be able to keep up to the demand. You'll find a bar top of mine at the Exeter Pub with multiple high table tops from the beautiful Macrocarpa. The April Niche Market came around followed by the Craft fair again. Being apart of The Tasmanian Craft Fair was a huge privilege as I stood alongside many talented local artists and exhibitors.
2018 saw me take off around the world for a couple of years, however I was able to fill the shelves of my home studio and local stores (Capri Launceston) being a major stockest, with huge appreciation to my Mother, and regular orders were able to be fulfilled by again the help of my Father. 
Here we are in 2021, me back in Tasmania (Thanks COVID) and still trying to keep up demand. Now some more substantial orders with tables and boxes along with bulk purchases. The local support and shared word has help this develop over the past 4 years and I couldn't be more great-full. Having a full time job, sporting commitments and quite the social life, I love being able to jump into my workshop by night or weekends to do what make me and others happy. Seeing my pieces go to good use for sentimental gifts and used to share special memories is the reason I love what I do.
I will always remember where this all begun and couldn't be more appreciative of the support, advice and help of those around me. I will never take full credit for what products I produce, as theres always some kind of fellow help.
I'm excited to see where the next 5 years takes me, so lets do it together
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